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我們相信,有關單一手術治療拇趾外翻的案例,我們中心網站所展示的個案最為多樣化。 這些個案說明了韌帶聯合術適用於不同嚴重程度的個案。雙腳如需要也大多數是可同時進行手術。患者年齡從19歲到81歲不等。另外,病例中由外翻問題衍生的其他症狀也有所改善。通過展示如此多樣化的案例,我們希望您能體會我們對病根的深入洞察,明白韌帶聯合術的卓越治療能力。

1. 輕微外翻矯正–4年前

42歲女性, 沒有其他衍生症狀。因外翻問題疼痛而上班時穿不了禮服鞋或高跟鞋。根據術後的掃描, 她腳部的功能有所改善,而可重新穿著高跟鞋,不會疼痛、沒有硬結、外翻問題也沒有復發。



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2. 專業花樣滑冰運動員–10年前

27歲女性,因為無法忍受冰鞋導致的嚴重腳趾公外翻和尾趾囊腫的疼痛而需放棄她滑冰教練的職業。在她韌帶聯合術術後6個月, 她可以重新滑冰和進行教學活動,沒有任何疼痛。更意外的是, 她成經術前在行走時無意識摔倒的現象也完全消失了。也還沒有復發的跡象。



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3. 中度外翻矯正–5年前

41歲女性, 左腳出現輕微外翻,右腳中度外翻問題。腳部功能掃描顯示蹠骨硬結和臨床疼痛。術後掃描顯示腳部功能恢復正常,硬結消失。患者重新穿著高跟鞋,沒有復發的跡象。



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4. 男子馬拉松運動員–5年前

手術前, 這個48歲的跑步愛好者由於他中度外翻的疼痛, 而幾乎無法完成半程馬拉松比賽。手術後1年, 他完成了他全身首次全程馬拉松, 此後已又跑了5次馬拉松, 每次完成馬拉松的時間都在逐步改善。沒有硬結或復發的跡象。



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5. 嚴重外翻矯正–5年前

40歲女性, 外翻導致疼痛和蹠骨痛日益嚴重。腳部功能掃描顯示大拇趾功能喪失。患者行走時因此無意識的左右晃動而導致腰痛。術後患者的拇趾恢復了正常步態, 腰痛消失,她也可以重新穿回高跟鞋,每次可穿數小時。



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6. 表演藝術家, 頻繁穿著高跟鞋–7年前




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7. 極嚴重外翻矯正–3年前

81歲女性, 除了外翻問題之外,身體其他方面非常健康,喜歡步行鍛煉,由於左腳底的嚴重硬結及其最終潰瘍疼痛而無法步行。術後3個月硬結和潰瘍都已完全痊癒, 恢復正常行走也無任何疼痛。



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8. 衍生性爪形趾矯正–7年前

67歲女性, 中度外翻問題, 左腳第二趾患有爪形趾及其疼痛加深,。功能掃描顯示蹠骨硬結下的壓力異常高, 這應是走路時為避免腳趾疼痛的步態導致的。術後外翻問題、爪形趾和疼痛都沒有復發。腳部功能掃描雖有改善, 但患者仍然習慣性地不使用拇趾。



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9. 搶救失敗的拉皮杜斯手術(Lapidus procedure)-11年前

該女性病患在16歲時在他地進行了左腳腳趾外翻內窺關節融合手術, 疼痛復發。在19歲時, 她雙腳同時接受了韌帶聯合術, 以矯正輕度外翻問題。她上班後開始穿著高跟鞋, 既無疼痛又沒復發。但由於拉皮杜斯手術導致她的左腳永久減少活動能力, 她在穿高跟鞋時仍然感到左腳有些不適。



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10. 衍生性爪形趾和足底骨刺矯正–15年前

60歲女性, 嚴重外翻問題, 行走困難, 腳部、腿部和背部多次出現衍生性問題。術後, 所有衍生性問題自然痊癒, 包括爪形趾。至今仍然喜歡穿高跟鞋和跳舞,步行不受限制,更也沒有術前的痛苦。



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11. 搶救失敗的截骨術-12年前

59歲女性, 嚴重外翻情況, 10年前進行了左腳截骨手術,一直沒有解決拇趾疼痛的問題。她雙腳同時接受了韌帶聯合術。術後掃描顯示雙腳拇趾的功能恢復正常。病患的足繭有大度改善, 又可享受無限制的徒步。



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12. 衍生性腳趾重疊治療–5年前

55歲女性, 嚴重的外翻情況和蹠骨痛。行走困難, 平衡差, 容易跌倒。腳部功能掃描顯示雙腳拇趾功能完全喪失。接受韌帶聯合術後, 腳趾重疊的症狀自然消失了。術後硬結消失,掃描證實腳部功能恢復正常。



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13. 搶救失敗的麥克布賴德手術(McBride bunionectomy) -6年前

48歲女性, 25年前因為左腳腳趾外翻接受過麥克布賴德切除手術。但外翻問題和疼痛復發, 形成蹠骨硬結, 腳部掃描顯示功能缺失。病患雙腳同時接受了韌帶聯合術, 矯正了嚴重的外翻情況, 更沒有疼痛或病情的復發。



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14. 衍生性尾趾囊腫疼痛治療–7年前

41歲女性, 出現輕度外翻問題, 但主要疼痛來源於在上班穿著高跟鞋時的尾趾囊腫。她接受了韌帶聯合術, 以縮窄腳的前部及恢復拇趾功能的原因, 有效的減少了第5蹠骨的壓力和負重。尾趾囊腫疼痛也就自然的解決了



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15. Extreme deformity correction of a cerebral palsy patient – 1 year later

A 53 y/o male had a severe left hallux valgus deformity on the same side of his cerebral palsy and spastic thrashing gait. He opted for surgical treatment for his increasing difficulty walking due to severe pain and poor balance/stability of his left foot. 7 months after surgery he returned to independent and unprotected walking, albeit with his usual spastic gait, but without pain or fear of falling.



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16. Salvaging failed bunionectomy – 6 years later

A 53 y/o female underwent procedure for her right foot 9 years earlier and continued to experience pain and thick metatarsal calluses. After a bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure, her calluses reduced, and she was able to wear high-heel shoes again without pain. Functional improvement was also evident by her F-Scan studies. No signs at all of deformity recurrence for 6 years after surgery.



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17. Salvaging failed bunionectomy – 14 years later

A 36 y/o female suffered recurrence of hallux valgus deformity and pain after a simple procedure for removal of the a bony bump 10 years earlier. However, 14 years after a bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure there was still no pain or sign of recurrence.



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18. Hallux Valgus Deformity and rigid claw toe correction with pin – 6 months later

A 68 y/o female complained more about her painful claw toe than her bunion. It was rigid and required PIP joint soft tissue release and pinning for one month. We expect the usually consistent functional result of the forefoot after the Syndesmosis Procedure, as well as, the prevention of her claw toe deformity and pain from recurring.



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19. Spontaneous claw toe and severe correction – 1 year later

A 61 y/o female had severe hallux valgus deformities and flexible second claw toes on both feet. One year after a bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure, her photos showed the spontaneous correction of her claw toes without surgery. Her F-Scan study expectedly revealed a remarkably improved pressure pattern of her feet in walking. The associated metatarsal calluses and metatarsalgia disappeared also, as predicted.



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20. Young female runner – 8 years later

This 29 y/o female wanted to be able to jog without pain and calluses. She was able to return to running without pain 6 months after her bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure. 8 years later, there were still no signs of any recurrence.



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21. Moderate correction – 4 years later

A 26 y/o female with a moderate hallux valgus deformity had to stay away from high heels to help minimize pain. 4 years after a bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure, there was no more pain experienced, despite her wear of high-heels. The reason for the spontaneous bunionette pain relief was due to a true forefoot narrowing effect of the surgery and also its normal function restoration, shown in her F-Scan study.



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22. Jogger with severe hammer toe pain – 7 years later

A 40 y/o male had no pain, but severe hammer toe pain in jogging (see first photos). Examination revealed a hypermobile first metatarsal. X-ray revealed a moderate MPV deformity and laterally displaced sesamoids. Function study by F-Scan revealed the abnormal lateral transfer of metatarsal loading. One year after surgery, his x-ray showed a narrowed first intermetatarsal space and F-Scan revealed satisfactory medialization of metatarsal loading. 7 years later, he still had no signs of any hammer toe recurrence.



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23. Severe condition masked by narrow feet – 7 years later

A 35 y/o female had relatively mild-looking bunions, but experienced severe pain and dysfunction of her feet. Upon examination, she did not have widened forefeet as usually expected in such deformities. However, x-rays revealed the important underlying MPV deformity and also the dysfunctional dislocation of lateral sesamoids. F-scan study confirmed severe loss of big toe function in walking. However, 7 years after a bilateral bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure, she had no more pain in hiking, playing badminton & ping-pong, nor any calluses and recurrence.



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24. Correction of severe deformity with sesamoid bone dislocation – 3 years later

The x-rays of a 54 y/o female showed complete dislocation of lateral sesamoid in both affected feet. It signified severe dysfunction of big toes that correlated with her calluses, metatarsalgia and difficulties in walking. Three years after a bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure, she still had no more pain. She felt her feet much sturdier and stronger than before, although her big toes were still very weak in her F-scan study and needed more exercises to help further strengthen their muscles.



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25. Loss of foot function impacts the whole body – 10 years later

A 47 y/o female had intolerable pain, metatarsalgia and worsening flat feet. Even her leg muscles and low back became painful when she walked for too long. After undergoing a bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure she felt her arches came back due to realigned and re-stabilized first metatarsals, and the restored windlass effect of the big toes. Disappearance of her metatarsal calluses and metatarsalgia was a testament to adequate restoration of biomechanical function of the forefoot, which normalized her gait and thus also relieved her leg and low back pain from long walks.



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26. Improved balance and low back pain – 4 years later

A 31 y/o female with severe bilateral pain, metatarsalgia and low back pain. She also felt herself losing her balance and stumbling often. However, 4 years after surgery she was still extremely pleased with her feet, despite a mild residual hallux valgus deformity due to the metatarsus adductus condition of her feet.



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27. Spontaneous hammer toe correction – 3 years later

This case demonstrated how the hammer toe deformity of the lesser toes can be caused functionally by hallux valgus deformity and thus they can also be resolved by removing its root cause. But, this would only happen if biomechanical function of the foot can be adequately restored. A 62 y/o female had a painful hammer toe on her right foot. Her 3-year postoperative photo and x-ray showed its spontaneous resolution, although a hammer toe was developing in her left, untreated foot.



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28. Salvaging failed osteotomy with Morton’s Neuroma – 2 years later

A 58 y/o female previously underwent an osteotomy procedure at age 16. Her feet never felt normal and her shoes were still restricted. She had increasing symptoms of metatarsalgia and Morton’s neuroma despite wearing her foot orthotics. Her 2-year post-op F-scan study showed significantly improved medialization of metatarsal loading in walking. She had no more metatarsalgia but still mild Morton’s neuroma symptoms that did not need further treatment.



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29. Salvaging failed Chevron & Akin Osteotomy – 7 years later

Five years after having Chevron and Akin osteotomy procedures on her left foot, a 58 y/o female underwent a bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure to salvage her recurring, painful hallux valgus deformity on her left foot and also to correct her right untreated foot. Five years after surgery, her F-Scan showed significant medialization of metatarsal loading back to under the first metatarsal in walking. 7 year later, she was still found enjoying unrestricted activities and shoes without any sign of recurrence.



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30. Salvaging failed osteotomy with metatarsalgia – 6 years later

A 54 y/o female continued having severe metatarsalgia in walking 3 years after a mid-shaft osteotomy procedure (break-n-shift surgery). Six years after undergoing a bilateral Syndesmosis Procedure to salvage her failed left foot surgery and also correct her untreated, right affected foot, she was still enjoying her unrestricted activities and shoes without calluses, pain or recurrence.



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